Food and agriculture is a complex, far-flung system with countless variables. To chart a course, drive ahead and get good things done, you may benefit from a partner who understands the people and terrain — at field level. We can be that partner.
We are The Elliott Group. We offer thoughtful, customized, field-centric business development and communication services geared to assist key players in today’s high technology agriculture. We wrap our services and our team around your mission and help you move forward.
Today’s producers and crop input dealers are bigger, smarter, faster and more connected. Staying in step with them can be quite challenging, but very rewarding. These knowledge-seekers are intent on learning more, with or without your help. Consider what this Cornbelt grower is learning in just one season.
Innovative products, services and ideas must survive and prove their worth in the real-life test of the crop season. Each choice made — crop, field, credit, equipment, seed, tillage, fertilizer, plant health, weed control — affects several other choices. And all against a backdrop of weather and timing that one can’t control. Our deep field experience across crops and geography can better inform your decision-making and help speed your progress.
Field experience matters both ways: For better communication to farmers and retailers, as well as helping a wider audience of consumers and policy-makers understand today’s high-tech crop producer.